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Crazy Horse - June 13

Yesterday we had four dinghies and set off to Mariner's Cave.The goal was to dive under the water and through the passage into the cave. Everyone who did the dive were excited and said it was beautiful but erie. You just dive into the wall and must have faith that you will make to the other side to the top and into the cave. I didn't dive but most of the others went. I was just as happy to go into Swallow's Cave which you just drove the dinghy inside and floated around. Later we snorkeled around some of the other islands.

Last night we had a night of Spain. We went to a Spanish restaurant and listened to their music. It was wonderful but the amazing thing was that one of our sailor's and his wife were the featured dancers for the night. The crew from Kalliope were wonderful. They danced many of their dances from Spain and really got us clapping and cheering them on.

We will move on today to the Blue Lagoon and do some snorkeling there and perhaps move on to Fiji in the am. I have been lucky to continue my reading along the way. Everyone seems to have lots of books and magazines and we all share them around. I have even gotten to read the ones about the queens and royalty of Europe. We seem to have such a desire for news since we really don't get much here. Bill and Matt even gobble them up.


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