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A Lady - Sailing around the World

Sunday, 13th June 2010      (Presently in "Kenutu")    Emily Hyde's birthday

08.00hrs We tidied up the boat and gathered up all the washing and got ready to leave after a light breakfast. As skipper had drawn sketches of our route into this Island and cross referring it with the chart reader, it really made life very easy on our journey out of here. We had already decided to spend the night in " Hunga " so we headed in that direction. However, on route, we stopped at a small sandy Island with lots of trees and surrounded with coral. The Island was called "Fonuafo'ou "and had a total height of 24 feet.

The Island was full of bird life, in fact, there were more birds here than any other place since we left the Galapagos. There were Red Footed Boobies, Swallow tailed Terns, Brown Noddies, Black Noddies, Black- napped Terns, and lessor Frigate birds, all nesting. Scotty (John Chesbruogh) went into orbit again. He must have taken 200 or more photo's of the birds for his collection.
Later, we went snorkeling, again this was spectacular, like underwater cathedrals, and caves, fantastic fish and so on. We spent 2 hours on this little oasis, relaxing and absorbing the whole scene. It definitely ranks one of the best little spots we have visited since we started this journey...10 out of 10
We rejoined the boat, where Fats had prepared a light lunch. Fats did not go ashore, still recovering from his ordeal, he likes to take things easy, and we think that he is right.
17.00hrs We arrived at "Hunga", an Island on the western side of these wonderful Islands, the entrance was in through a very narrow opening in an otherwise sheer rock face,  "SPECTACULAR", once inside, we had to negotiate our way through a shallow patch of coral before finding deep water again. Ohhhhhhh what a lagoon, gosh!  we definitely are in second Heaven, if not in first heaven...
We picked up a mooring belonging to the resort, and of course we all, including Fats went ashore to the Resort for our pre dinner scoops. This was a quaint little place, and again the owner, Steve Cambell hailed from NZ and his ancestors came from "Maguires Bridge" outside Belfast, and his grandfather came from Donegal. We also met a bunch of sailors from Australia, who have done the Shannon River in Ireland on an " Emerald Star " motor cruiser, we had a laugh with them.. gas people.
Dinner, was by Scotty,  pork chops in lovely gravy, orange and pineapple, how about that? and creamed spuds. Later, after some good laughs and swopping stories, we hit the scratchers. A great day... ( for the WA  Jolly good show )
Signed :-    Stephen Hyde   (Skipper)

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