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Voyageur - Log day 108 - Recipe for happiness?

13 June 2010

Each and every time we reach a new landfall we say that we will have a rest but each and every time for one reason or another it does not come about. This time however, our time in Tonga, we have truly been able to take our ease. Perhaps the Tongans easy, relaxed and happy way of life has rubbed off on us. I would like to think so. It is one week ago today that we attended the church service in Neiafu.

Today is Sunday and here in Tonga the sanctity of the Sabbath is strictly adhered to. No businesses are allowed to operate save the restaurants. Neiafu's streets are deserted and the people go from family home to church to family home. David and I have been aboard Voyageur all day in a quiet anchorage off Lape Island. Even from this distance we can just make out the peal of the church bells. Two tiny local boats went by, the family singing their hearts out happily as they went. What is their recipe for life I wonder? Their faith, the simplicity of their lives, the love of their beautiful surroundings. I absolutely love this place too, respect their religious beliefs, admire their simple ideology, their love of life itself.

Cruising net, Tongan style.....
There is in existence here a cruising net. It reports on Channel 26 every morning at 08.30, a different controller for every day. During our time here we have become eager and avid listeners. Run by a network of shore based cruising yachties, mainly from New Zealand, it gives a daily weather forecast, what is going on in the town, buy and sell, boat problems, local entertainment etc. A clean up of the open air market was organised. Now, what a good idea, but why was it left to the outsiders to initiate? I will never understand how anyone can look at an empty bottle or can and not want to pick it up, but if it is not your can or bottle why should you.....

Susan Mackay

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