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A Lady - Sailing around the World

Tuesday, 15th June 2010     (presently at sea between Tonga & Fiji)
We had a good breeze all night, partially cloudy, no moon, no rain.
We averaged just over 7 knots in 12 hours.
06.00hrs We raised the spinnaker pole and goose winged the boat, great sailing now.
10.00hrs       Distance to Fiji....................................278 miles
                    travel time at present speed, ..............38 hrs
                    ETA   at present speed,.......................02.30 hrs Thursday 17th
                    Course...............................................285 degrees T
                    wind...................................................20 knots SSE
                    Sea state.............................. .............moderate
                    Weather.............................................Cloudy and fresh
                    Temperature.......................................26 degrees C
12.00hrs Everyone was up and about, cleaning decks, nibbling food, having cups of " Barry's Tea "and generally relaxing. There is not much else to do, except enjoy it all.
Later, John did some sewing... the 3 year old spray hood is beginning to fall apart at the seams, the port side was stitched back together by skipper a few weeks ago, and now John (Scotty) has to stitch the starboard side. British made spray hoods are not what they used to be. Gosh, Scotty is very handy with the needle and thread, and did a great job.
We all took turns in having naps during the afternoon, normal after our first night at sea.
Skipper did a roast stuffed chicken for dinner, with the usual roast spuds, creamed potatoes with chives and cheese mixed in, and baked beans, yum, yum!
Night watches  :-          Skipper & Aileen ............................21.00hrs  /  24.00hrs
                                   Donal............................................24.00hrs  / 03.00hrs
                                   John..............................................03.00hrs  /  06.00hrs
That's it for now,
Signed  :-    Stephen Hyde     (Skipper)

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