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Crazy Horse - June 17

Well, the weather system we had tried to avoid seems to have hit us since we left Tonga on Tues. I think we have had it all. Now it is raining and foggy. It reminds us of a cool fall day in Maryland just about time for a football game. It is hard to believe it is Fiji and June. We are still slogging our way to Copra Shed Marina. We will probably sit outside the anchorage with Windswept and Ocean Jasper and wait for the light of day to go into the harbor. We have had some winds up to 40kts and very sloppy seas. Doesn't make me have much of an appetite and probably a good way to lose a few pounds. We tried to slow the boat down but Crazy Horse was determined to go fast! Our attempt was to slow down enough to make the pass during the daylight hours. However our best laid plans didn't come to pass. We had to get through the reef last night in the pitch dark. We used our wonderful radar and GPS. What would we do without those luxuries. I was a little nervous about making the pass at night in all the wind and darkness. On my part, quite a few prayers later we made it! Bill was determined not to sit outside the pass with the main up though reefed down. Jim and Jack decided to wait until morning light to make the pass. Now it is raining and foggy. Well, sometimes it is a hard path to paradise. All in all this has not been our most comfortable passage. It will make Fiji look awfully good however!

So far Fiji doesn't look like the travel posters. Hopefully it will improve when we arrive. As usual I just want a Laundromat. I am thinking of the things of value in my new paradise. Those little things we call Cheezits would be nice. A washer with a dryer would be nice. A shower that doesn't pitch and roll when you are in it would be nice too. Oh, and all the hot water you could want. And not to have to worry if you have the toaster, hot water heater, and microwave on all at the same time!!!!! Not having to hear Bill say "Look at the voltage and current before you turn anything on!"

Sorry if I seem to be gripping a lot today. I am learning even people in paradise can have a bad day.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt aboard Crazy Horse aka The Good Ship Lollipop

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