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Crazy Horse - June 18

We made it to Fiji!
Rain, snow, or sleet could keep us away!

As we were trying to make it into our harbor last night the weather kept getting worse and worse. We couldn't see a thing and there was a thick fog not helping us to make our way in. So when we were about 7 miles out we decided to turn around and wait it out in the rain, fog, waves, etc.

Whatever mother nature threw at us kept us all taking turns being on watch as we waited to make landfall. While on my watch as I was looking at the radar and GPS trying to see through the weather what should appear suddenly on my port side but a red light. After calling on the radio several times I got through and discovered it was Jack from Windswept waiting out the weather too. So we kept our eyes on each other and came into port together at first light.

After a time the health officials visited us and then the customs and immigration people. Next we had to make a visit to the hospital to pay our health fee. We are now officially in Fiji. We just have to get our cruising pass so we can stay and cruise on our sailboat around the islands. Checking into an island requires patience and a good attitude. All the officials were very nice and quite friendly. It is very lovely here now with a beautiful sun and blue skies. It is also very hot. This is really the place where the Fiji water is bottled. Not on this island but on Lautoka is where the water is bottled. Everyone here seems to like music. I have heard a lot of Madonna today and even Rod Stewart.

We thought we'd be one of the first boats here from the World ARC but A Lady was here sitting at the dock. They arrived on Wed. Lisa got here just before the bad weather set in yesterday. I'm sure the others in the fleet will be here in mass starting on Monday.

The food prices seem a lot more reasonable here than in Polynesia. We may just have to do some stocking up. I hear from Marlene who is from Australia that we will love the shopping there. I am sure we will find many of our favorite products there. You just don't appreciate the small things until they are not around.

Bill is all excited. He has found another Sundeer in the anchorage. It is a 56 ft. boat named Scratch with a cat on the front. I'm sure they will have lots to talk about and compare. I believe the owner is here now talking about the virtues of his Sundeer. Oh my, seems like men have this progression of obsessions: First it is sports or cars, then it is women, then it is boats. Of course I am making a vast generalization based on my own self and acquaintances.

Okay I have been on a boat too long!

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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