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A Lady - Sailing around the World (presently in Savausavau, Fiji)

Monday, 21st June 2010
Lots of chatter on the next door yacht, feckers had us awake with the birds, anyway, up we get, and decide that we have seen all thats to see on the Island, so we will leave tomorrow. After a light breakfast, we did some provisioning,  meat especially, belly pork, mince meat, loin of pork, legs of lamb, chicken, sausages, ( lamb , beef, and cheese & onion lamb sausages) should be interesting. Hopefully, we will have enough to get us to Australia.
We looked at changing all the internal lights to LED lights, however, even though the price to do the operation was very right, the color of the fittings were black, and not suitable for "A Lady". However, we did replace all the reading light bulbs with LED's 10 in all, and they are brilliant, apart from great light, they use little or no power.
Later, Skipper and John fixed the TV in the saloon, this had stopped working when the small inverter went belly up, a good job we are handy men.
The day just slipped away, cant say what we did or didn't do.
We did go to the 5 o'clock happy hour at 6pm. We met some of the World ARC participants and they were out of their trollies with drink.
John took the Skipper and crew to dinner in the " Surf and Turf " restaurant. An excellent meal, but never as good as the  "starlight Restaurant" on  A  LADY. We stopped at the YC on our way back to the boat, and believe it or not,  our friends were still there, but much more pi**  by now. Ahhhhh well, we have often been there ourselves, so we cant say anything.
An early night? you must be joking ,, we had to help keep the flag flying.   
That's it for today,
Signed  :-   Stephen  Hyde   (Skipper)

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