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Crazy Horse - June 23

We have been making our way through the reef system around this island of Vanu Levu since yesterday. We anchored in Wainunu Bay last night after making about 30 miles our first day after leaving Savuavu. The island seems quite large from our perspective because of the length of time it takes to make it around through the reefs. Vanu Levu is quite undeveloped compared to the other islands we have visited. There is no sign of development or villages from our perspective around this side of the island. It is very beautiful. Perhaps this island is the one we think of as the typical South Pacific island. We have about 20kt of wind so we have been able to sail most of the way so far. The temperature is glorious with sun and a wonderful breeze.

I have been waiting for Matt to tell his story of his visit to a village and meeting the chief. I think he is now a member of that village and can come back whenever he choses. Matt does have a wonderful energy about him which invites friendship, adventure, and communication.

We had a wonderful stay in Wainunu Bay however we were quite close to the reef and the water was getting shallow- reports of 1 mt. under the keel of Windswept. We hope to anchor off Yadua Island tonight which means we must make about 40miles today. Then we have a straight shot over Bligh Bay out the other side of the reef if I have my facts correct. We have been taking lots of photos so I hope to share them when we return home.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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