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Crazy Horse - June 26

Yesterday am we got up early and made it to Lakota by 10am. Off went the
respective captains of Crazy Horse, Ocean Jasper, and Windswept to check in
again into Fiji on the island of Viti Levu. We all had to decide if we
should try to make it to Musket Cove or stay and try to reprovision on the
main island. Well, those of us who wanted to go shopping won and we all went
to Denarau Island and Denarau Marina.

What a wonderful place it is with
shopping only a cab ride away and wonderful stores and markets for fresh
produce. We even went to a Hard Rock Cafe for dinner last night. And when we
arrived at Denarau who should we see at the marina but Voyageur, Skylark,
Wild Tigris, Jeanneus, Arianne, Dreamcatcher and now Tucannon. What a
reunion! It is great to see them all and know that we all have travelled
great distances on our own path and met right here. We will all be
proceeding to Musket Cove over the next couple of days and have our official
rendezous there. We hear that it is a wonderful place but not a lot of
provisioning there. So we are glad to have these next couple of days to plan
for the next leg which is to Vanauatu. We are to leave there on July 3.

Bill is up fixing the lazy jacks again. They help to hold the sail when we
take it down so it won't fall all over the deck. It seems to be a constant
challenge to have it work correctly and not be a source of frustration. I
have been working to organize our stores in places that are logical and easy
access. Andrew will be coming aboard so we must be more efficient in our use
of space. A 60ft boat should be enough space for 4 people but somehow it

It is pleasant to be at a dock where there is no surge and the boat is not
in constant motion. We are all happy to be able to get on and off the boat
and not have to ask who is taking the dinghy and when are you coming back.
It allows us to have a little more freedom from each other. These days of
independence are hard to come by.

Rosemary, Bill, and Matt

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