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A Lady - Sailing around the World, ( presently in " Beqa " Fiji )

SATURDAY   26th  June  2010
08.00hrs,  The weather is very wet and we have a full tide. We all pile into the rib and go ashore to the resort for breakfast with Mark and Sue,  thats everyone , except Donal, he was still in the middle of his nightly solo orchestral performance, so we left him at it....ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZ. The food was excellent, pancakes & syrup, eggs, and lots of other goodies.
The weather was so wet, we decided to treat ourselves to some pampering, so Aileen and Margaret had mini manicures and pedicures, while skipper had a massage and John walked around the coast to the village in the rain. This got rid of a few hours,
12.00hrs  As the Yanks say, " We were all done by midday " ready to roll, we went to say goodbye to Mark and he gave us some info and places to visit in Bali, as he worked there for a while,  now we wont get to Bali untill september, but its still nice to get the early info. so we will look as if we did our researching well in advance. Some of the Australians gave us similar info on Darwin,
13.00hrs, We had to get the help of 6 locals to help put the rib in the water, the flippin tide was flat out, and can you imagine the girls, with their newely painted toe nails,  being asked to paddle out to the rib...  Ohhhhhhhhh  shit ! the things that go wrong....   Sorry love, we didn't ask the tide to go out ..
We returned to the boat , We dont think Fats was too pleased at being left all alone for the morning on board, but then , as a true gentleman, he did not complain,
We raised the anchor and set a course west to " Yanuca " island, just about 6 miles away. We tried a little fishing, without success, The journey took just over an hour, and we dropped anchor again. Donal went for his Ziz, while the girls went ashore to the beach, and skipper put on his scuba equipment and went diving. John went snorkling,  the water was very clear, and the fish were very colourfull and plentyfull. Later, about 1 hour later, when finished with the diving, we got into emails and blogs,
The Island had a very small resort, John and the girls checked it out, but decided it was not worth visiting. Meanwhile, back on board, Fats did the dinner,  A chicken casserole,, with savoury rice, We ate this lovely food in the " Starlight Restaurant" and generally had a good night,
Then at about 19.00hrs, Aileen fell backwards down the steps into the saloon and gave her head a wallop off the table,  ouch ! She was badly shaken  ( and she dosent even drink ) so we used all our available ice to keep the swelling down.
After another hour or so, she recovered enough to get to the scratcher and take a bucket full of pain killers.
We, the rest of us , finished off another bottle of red, while we were waiting for the water maker to recover some of the water used for showers ,etc over the last few days.
Thats it for now.
Signed :-   Stephen Hyde    (  skipper ) 

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