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Crazy Horse - June 29

Yesterday we spent the day fixing lazy jacks, defrosting refrig and freezer,
and doing the laundry. Didn't get much exploring done on this island. Today
we will try to explore to the other side. They have a small putting course
here so I hope to try that. They also have a volleyball net set up in the
sand by the beach. There is a lovely pool here for wading and cooling off.
There is another for laps. When the tide is in one can rent hobies or
kayaks. I am sure we will have some competitions with them over the next few
days. Lady Ev and Skylark arrived here late yesterday. I am sure more will
arrive today. We got news that Chessie was spotted at Denerau Marina.

Last night we all brought our food in to the fire that they make nightly and
were able to find a place to cook our own food. They have built a hut/bar
with tables so it is easy to have a meal/picnic.Afterward we had a little
singing and kava. The kava doesn't seem to do much for us but relax us and
make us sleepy. Jack and Bob did a wonderful job of playing the tunes. It
was great to see Paul from the Arc and he joined us for a short time.We even
met some girls from New Zeleand on holiday with their parents who joined us
and actually played some of their own tunes. There seem to be lots of folks
from New Zealand and Autralia who come for holidays to the island. The
island has two or three other resorts along with this marina. We all seem to
be using the same facilities. That can be difficult with only two washers
and two dryers!
Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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