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A Lady - Sailing around the World. ( Presently in Fiji )

SUNDAY  27th  June  2010
06.15hrs,  We wake up to a dull morning in " Yanuca Island"  and start the engine to let it warm up, We do all the usual things we do most days, but never mention them, like brush the teeth, wash the face, brush the hair.( for skipper, thats a quick job.) put on the anti smelly stuff. etc. etc. generally preening ourselves,
Aileen is still feeling very sore, so she will stay in the scratcher for a while longer. We put on the kettle for a cup of tea and some light breakfast,
06.45 hrs  We raised the anchor, and set sail west on a course for the SW corner of " VITU LEVU" the main Island,on
our route to " Lautoka" , the place we have to clear into, and out of , before going to Musket cove. The distance is 80 miles.
The wind is very light, about 4 knots, so we motor sailed for 5 hours before any wind appeared, 

12.00hrs,  The wind grew to 18 / 20 knots so we goosewinged along for about 3 hours untill the wind vanished again.
15.30hrs We made our way in through the pass  and motored up the inside  the reef towards lautoka. Then we got an email from rally control, saying we dont have to go to " lautoka " so we decided to anchor in " Nadi Bay " There were some other huge yachts anchored in the bay, and it was quite shallow.
16.30hrs dropped anchor and set about preparing dinner, dinner is a roast leg of lamb, with creamed sweet potatoes, which had carrots and peas mixed through it , along with some nutmeg and cinnamon powder. and was simply delicious.
The weather here is much better , no clouds , a full moon, and bobs your uncle.  A Great night.
Thats it for now. 
Signed :-   Stephen Hyde,    ( skipper ) 


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