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A Lady - Sailing around the World (presently in Denarau, Fiji)

TUESDAY  29th JUNE 2010

Sometimes I wish I could sit down at this computer and say  :-   " please call back tomorrow "
The commitment to doing this thing every day is akin to a marrage.

The Marina's complimentary drinks party is in about an hours time , so we are already under pressure to get dolled up and apply all the smelly perfume's and deoderents. Prop up the boobs and fasten in the belly.
06.00hrs  Another beautifull day in paradise, paradise Islands.. We keep saying it cant get better than this, but it blinkin well does.

08.00hrs  It just high tide now, and as the entrance to " Musket Cove " on Malolo  Islandis very shallow, we would never
get to the Island before the water level gets too shallow for " A Lady "  So we will spend another day around here. We could be in worse places,
Skipper was watching this bloke and his buddies working like xxxx's on another yacht, polishing and shining, and doing a great job. So he went and interviewed " Appy" the boss. and after a bit of blarney, agreed they would clean and polish the Hull, the cabins, the windows, and all the stainless steel for the equivelant of 200 euros,  We thought this was excellent value, and it was.
Meanwhile the girls had found a " Polo" shop, and there was great value here too.  Tee shirts and shorts foe less than 20euros each ..   We saved a fortune by buying the shop. We spent most of the day mouching around the place and enjoying it all.
17.30hrs  " Appy " and his merry men were nearly finished polishing " A Lady" and she looked fantastic, looked like new again.except for all the little chips on her transome and new ones on the bow, and not to mention the war wounds on the starboard side , caused by those friggin Frenchies during the " Pearl Regatta "................... Donal and Scotty had a ziz , while the girls did whatever girls do !
18.00hrs, skipper settled up the marina accounts so we were ready to roll early in the morning.
Later, after a pre dinner drink on board, we set off to the steak house for a great dinner.and again it was all great value. later still, we stopped at the nearest boozer to " A lady" and had a TOWER OF BEER  , a fantastic contraption. this vertical glass tube 1.5m high, had a glass vertical 2" centre filled with ice and then the whole thing was filled with 5 litres of beer. Of course it had an internal light for effect and a tap on the bottom..    a touch of brilliance.
We were naturally joined at our table by many other crews, who also helped gobble up the beer. we had a great night.
A Late night,
Thats it for now,
Signed   :-     Stephen  Hyde     ( skipper )

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