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Crazy Horse - July 1

We are here on Malolo Island at Musket Cove Marina and Resort. It is a
beautiful island and resort community. All the folks here are really
friendly and welcoming. They make a point of remembering all our names. Some
of the staff live here on the island and some commute every day by water
taxi to this island paradise.

We arrived on Sunday and have making our way around the island via walking,
hiking and swimming. They have a small airport, 9 hole golf course and 18
hole putt putt course. There are several resorts on this one island.
Plantation Resort is more geared for families and we have seen many families
from New Zealand and Australia taking a mid-winter holiday here. Fiji seems
to be a common place for those folks for taking holidays here. Although many
of the people from both places are big world travelers and I am surprised at
how many who know about Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay. They are all
curious about our World Arc experiences and want to know all about how to

Last night we had a barbecue for Arc participants and a welcoming party.
Today we will have some friendly volleyball competition within the Arc.
Later on is the Pig Roast and party. Tomorrow is the skipper's meeting and
Sat. we leave for Vanuatu.

It is getting close for some of the folks who are leaving half way through.
We will miss many of them who are taking time to see this part of the world
or who are moving here. It is hard to see folks leaving. It is like losing
part of one's family. When some of the crews leave it is the same. But then
we will pick up some new boats and new crews in some cases.

rosemary, bill and matt

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