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A Lady - Sailing around the World........( presently in Fiji )

WEDNESDAY   30th  June    2010
06.15hrs  Skipper jumped out of the scratcher , only to find that Scotty had already vanished up to the town center to get his daily injection of hormones from " Little Ollie " on the net.
06.30hrs  We started the engine and let it heat up while Donal and skipper got the boat ready to leave the dock.

07.00hrs, Scotty returned just as we were about to leave the marina / dock. We reversed the boat out of the marina, a fairly tight spot , and then made our way down the narrow channel to Nadi Bay . A one stage we thought we were going to get stuck, when the dept sounder was reading 00 m,,,,,  but " the luck of the irish", we escaped
We set a course for the Island of " Malolo " just 10 miles away, We had to nibble our way through  the narrow pass and up a few miles of narrow and shallow channels to Musket Cove. However the colours of the water were breath taking, so many different blue's all indicating the dept of the waters we were navigating know all those blue's that we see on travel brochures.  just magic stuff.. 
The girls arrived on deck at 10am and spent so much time fussing over Scotty, it was almost embarrising. but thats women, trying hard to impress to new commers. When we arrived, we had to again back into a tight space, stern onto the marina. Wow, the whole place looks just super.
Fats immidiatly got into the stores and dug out our bunting , 20 minutes later we had all the flags flying high from the top of the mast. A Lady, all nicly shining and flags flying , was a sight to see.
We checked in at the marina office, all very efficient, Later we investigated all the activities on the Island,   like golf, diving, snorkling, skydiving, hill walking, hobycat sailing, wind surfing.etc Skipper, Bob ( the yank ) and David ( the real scotsman ) decided we would play golf tomorrow morning at 08.30hrs. One day at a time,  and anyway, Fats and Margaret are leaving tomorow after lunch, so we have to keep that in mind.
There were at least 20 of the ARC boats here, and believe it or not, 9 have already hit reefs , grounded on reefs, and one had to send a " Mayday" after hitting a reef flat out under sail. Still the total damage was not too serious.  but then the weather has been fairly calm for the last week or so.
17.00hrs, The boat was invaded with well wishers , all here to wish Fats and Margaret farewell, It was a great occasion, and when " Vilde " the 12 year old girl from " Ronja " presented a hand made card to Donal saying good bye, the place came to tears..  This is terrible, They will be missed by everyone.  ohhhhhhhhhhhhh  sob, sob, Needless to mention, lots of rum and cokes were consumed on board, and that cheered the sobbing crowd up no end.... 
18.30 We all went ashore to an organised free drinks party, mind you, the drinks were light on the alcohol but the boat was only a few yards away , so top up's were easy.
19.30hrs,  We went to the organised BBQ,  the food way ok, and it pissed rain as well.......... We had a late night,  some a very late night, like as if today was their last day on the planet........... ohhhhh sob, sob, sob,,
Ohhhhh the end of a chapter on board, and the end of a day. 
Thats it .
Signed  :-    Stephen  Hyde    ( Skipper )

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