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Crazy Horse - July 2

I hope those of you back home are getting my blog. There seems to be some
problems because they are changing the website. Well, I will continue
anyway and hope that you get this at some point.

Yesterday was great fun with our World ARC Games at Musket Cove. Paul was
instrumental in providing the rules for the games which caused many sore
backs and aching muscles by the end of the day. Team Sundeer consisted of
the crew of Bill, Jim, Rosemary, Bob, Maggie, Matt, and John from A Lady.
Our team actually won the ferrocious tug of war over the hulking Viking team
from Norway-Ronja. We are not quite sure how we did it but perhaps it we
took them by surprise by our short stature. Team Sundeer was not quite on
our game for Volleyball however and we got crushed by everyone in that
sport. Then there was the egg game which I think I was over the line last.
But we beat them all with our "pass the water" game. Perhaps we have more
experience in pumping water out of our boats. Team Tucannon was comprised of
the youngsters from Tucannon and Marie from Dreamcatcher. Noeluna was the
forth team participating in the events.They played with great gusto but
probably had the lightest team weight wise. They all pulled their fare share
of weight plus more on the tug of war. Everyone was very competitive but
took it all with the right stride of respect and good sportsmanship. So
thanks to Paul for providing us with a day of fun in the sun and wind and

Last night we had our pig roast. The food was acutually scrumptious. The
resort cooked the pig all day on the spit and by nightfall it was done to
perfection. All the food was great. They then treated us to a show of
dancing and singing the traditional Fijian way. That was marvelous and even
made me a little teary eyed when they sing their farewell song in the end.
I think the Fijians have been the most friendly people we have met so far.
Bill and I agree that this is the nicest island we have been to so far with
activities to do, hiking, walking, swimming, food, and friendliness of
people. Matt thinks that way too but he likes every place the best.
So today I will try to wash the clothes and get our last bits of provision
we need from the food store here. There will be some sad goodbyes too since
Ronja, Dreamcatcher, and Noeluna are leaving us. They will be staying to
visit some different islands and taking different paths back to their homes.
We will be sad to see them go. This is really like a family where you get to
know everyone and love them then they move on with the rest of their lives.
We hope to visit each other at another time of our lives. But all of them
will contribute to the wonderful memories we have of our trip around the

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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