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Crazy Horse - Start to Vanuatu /July 3

We all are ready to start this next leg after much having much fun here on
Malolo Island. Andrew Bishop will be joining us for this leg and the one to
Australia. We are excited about him coming along with Crazy Horse. It will
be great to have another set of eyes and hears on those night watches. I
have even gotten more crunchies for those watches but so far no Cheezits
from Andrew. I shouldn't complain because he has brought us much reading
material, books, and other assorted joys from home. We will see when we get
to Australia about those products from America that are hard to come by
here. Our new crew member's arrival has at least prompted Matt to clean up
his room and make extra room. We have even cleaned up the food under that
bunk and made room for it in the pantry. We are all reorganized and ready to

We are all pretty much wedged in here on the dock together with anchor out
forward and tied to the stern to the dock and tied to each other on the
sides with fenders in between. It should be interesting when we all have to
leave tomorrow and make it to the starting line. There is always much
excitement before the start. Once we get out on the water and past the
starting line we all settle in to the wind and waves and our routines.
We will miss this little island paradise. The people have been so wonderful.
But we will be off to the next adventure.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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