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Crazy Horse - July 4th

Hope everyone has a happy 4th. We will not be seeing any fireworks tonight
and hopefully we don't have any here on the boat.

Yesterday was a wild ride. We had a good start for this leg but as we got
outside the reef the seas just went wild. The wind was blowing pretty good
between 20-25k. I came down to check on things and heard the sound of water
pouring in the forward bath. Of course in all the excitement we forget to
shut the hatch. As I came into the head I slipped on the water and went
flying right on my tail. Now I am a little sore but must have hit on the
padded zone. Pancake flour decided to take a flying leap out of the pantry
so that had to be cleaned up as well.

Right now in the am things have calmed down and we are wanting just a little
more wind. Our speed is only 5 now compared to the wild ride when it was

Our new crew member, Andrew B. didnt disappoint me with the Cheezits! As I
came up for my 4am watch he presented me with them. What a treat! He says he
brought enough for a week. We shall see!!! It is nice to have something
crunchy to keep me awake.

Right now I can see three other boats. Of course Ciao is somewhere ahead.
Even though they have a shorter waterline length they are faster in the
right wind. A Lady is out there and another boat I can't make out who. I
know Ocean Jasper is out there too just can't see where. It is nice to have
others around. Bill is not so happy about that because it means he is not
way out ahead and beating them all. He is ready to put up the spinnaker to
catch up with Ciao.

I have been reading the material about Vanuatu. It looks like lots of water
sports to keep us busy. They have a waterfall trip available to take too. We
must all remember to take our malaria pills since they still have a problem
with it there.

I will take a nap now and rest up before the spinnaker excitement.

Rosemary, Bill, Matt, and Andrew

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