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Crazy Horse - July 5

Well, we are sailing now after waiting throughout the night for the wind to fill in. We are a little off the rhumb line which doesn't please Bill too much. But it is a nice breeze of 11 kts true wind. Our speed is 6kts. The sun is out and temp. is about 80F. It is a nice time of day with half of the crew taking naps. We are prepared to reach landfall tomorrow sometime after daylight. There apparently is some question about the charts accuracy for Port Resolution so everyone is encouraged to wait until daylight before making our approach to the port.

From this mornings chat it sounds like many folks are catching an abundance of fish. I may try to put the line in the water this pm to see what happens. Bill and Matt are not with me on this so I will have to do all the cleaning and filleting myself.

Andrew is fitting in well with the crew and we have no complaints as of yet. He falls right into taking the helm or doing any job required without even asking. Wow! That is wonderful. Usually a member of the Thomas family would have to know why and how, and how long will it take. He even washes dishes. By the end of his stint with us, I am sure he will have a perspective of our view of world cruising rally life.

I am preparing to go home for a couple of weeks after we reach Vanuatu. This will allow me to attend Lisa's baby shower, bring back some needed supplies, visit family and friends, and have a visit with my partners at Associated Family Counseling. They are moving to different offices and I will be able to give them some help with that. They have been so understanding about my need for this trip that is the least I can do. Of course I still plan on returning to my practice after this trip. Without Andrew coming on as crew this break would not be possible. They will be in good hands with Andrew and perhaps they will behave themselves even better.Andrew promises to fill in for me with the daily blog. So you will all still be getting the news from Crazy Horse. It may just be from a new interesting perspective. I can't wait to read it myself. As soon as I get all the dates and times I will include this in my blog.

Until I leave however, I plan on writing daily.

Bill, Rosemary, Matt, and Andrew on Crazy Horse

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