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Crazy Horse - Arrival Mackay

Crazy Horse tied up safely on a mega dock pontoon in Mackay Marina close to
2200 last night after what was probably the hardest day of the leg from Port
Vila! After entering the Hydrographers Passage early yesterday morning the
winds freshened out of the south east. The Hydrographers Passage is a safe
route through the Great Barrier Reef for vessels heading to Mackay. Huge
bulk carriers use the route, and so there is no problem with navigating the
channel as it is extremely well lit, with large structures perched on unseen
reefs guiding seafarers safely through the hidden dangers. On entry we
checked the MaxSea charting software and it appeared to be spot on with no
offset correction, and so it was with confidence that we started the 70 mile
journey to safer waters off Mackay. The only problem was the wind
direction - as the course through the Passage heads south, with some legs
even being south south east - so almost directly into the wind. A choppy sea
had also developed and so Crazy Horse was pounding into it, slamming on the
occassional confused wave. Luckily the boat motors to windward well, and so
we were able to punch our way south, overtaking the catamaran Jeannius who
looked as though they were having a tough time (and didn't actually arrive
until 0630 this morning).

Once at the southern end of the Passage the jib was unfurled and engine revs
cut as we motor sailed west at 9 knots. Despite our best efforts it was
clear that night would fall before we made harbour, but with all the good
navigational lights it was agreed we'd make a night time entry. As dusk fell
the lights all made good sense and it wasn't hard to identify the leading
lights (pairs of lights one above the other that provide a transit to follow
on a safe course) into Mackay Harbour and then the marina. Rally Control
Nick was on hand to provide further intstructions on getting into the
marina, although not on the pontoon as usual to take lines and greet us, due
to local quarantine regulations that saw us locked on the pontoon and not
allowed any outside contact until cleared!

Tired after a long day it was not long before the Crazy Horse crew had
drifted into deep sleeps, only to miss the VHF traffic of other WARC
arrivals through the night. After the pounding of the day it was fantastic
to be in bunks that weren't pitching and rolling!

This morning we have been through the Quarantine and Customs/Immigration
formalities. The quarantine inspection is thorough, and hard to fully
prepare for as rules appear to be constantly changing. Whilst we had all
been briefed on what to expect it does appear that things might be made
easier in future based on our actual experience this time. Honey for
instance, which we all expected to loose, is in fact allowed as long as it
is clear runny honey, without the honey comb.

Soon we will move to a slip and make room for later arrivals to come to the
Quarantine Berth. Bill and Matt are already making plans for what jobs need
to be done onboard, as for many Mackay offers the opportunity for a halfway
haulout and repair programme. Crazy Horse is no exception with plenty to
keep Bill and Matt busy until they fly down to Sydney to meet Rosemary in
early August.

Now here, I must leave Crazy Horse and World ARC to head back to Cowes. My
three weeks onboard Crazy Horse have been very special; I have thoroughly
enjoyed the sailing, and am now certainly a fan of fast passage cruising as
pioneered by the designer of the Sundeer 60, Steve Dashew, who I am looking
forward to meeting in Las Palmas at the start of the 25th ARC in Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria in November. For me it has also been good to see World ARC
from the other side (as a participant), being the SSB Net Controller,
experiencing what goes on at sea, and generally being part of it all. Bill,
Rosemary and Matt were kind to let me join them, and we have had a fun time.
Thank you for welcoming me on board for what has been a great experience,
and my special thanks to Rosemary for allowing me to take over the daily
blogs, which sadly I must now leave behind and hand back!

It's been great - thank you so very much. Until the next time!!

Andrew - going back to Rally Control....

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