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A Lady - Sailing around the World ( Presently in the Whitsunday Islands )

THURSDAY   5th    AUGUST   2010
06.30   Skipper and Naill got up early and rooted out all the fishing tackle , then hopped into the rib and motored over about 1/2 mile to the point and started fishing , using the bait we acquired in Hamilton Isl. The bait consisted of Squid and Pilchers and after fishing and catching nothing except coral reefs, we gave up and returned to " A Lady " and decided we must be doing something wrong.
Niall and Mary went ashore for a while and on their return, we hauled the anchor and set sail for Airlie beach, about 15 miles away. We sailed past the picturesque Island of Hamilton on the way, and observed at least 6 Whales on route, some very close, The sight of their tails going up into the air before sliding into the sea was wonderfull. The weather was good, 20 knot  wind behind and a completey flat sea,
15.15hrs We arrived at Abel Point Marina. Skipper spoke to Patricia Leahy in their office many times,  one of the conditions of using their marina was a 10 million $ third party cover (P.L.) So , much scrambling had to be done with our own insurance co. to get our $ 3m  ( P.L.) increased to cover the $ 10m requirement. Frank Murphy managed it all nicely and so we got permission to enter.
Patricia Leahy - Well my first question to her was , " thats an Irish name" and she informed us that she is married to a Cork man. How about that!  but his family left Cork around 1960 and obviously wound up in this neck of the woods.
Skipper missed a call from " Fats " and it seems he has arrieved home back to Cork, safe and sound from the States, which he enjoyed big time. He spent a month driving across America, from L.A. to washington, taking in Yellow stone national park, Texes, Arizona, and too many places to remember. Gosh it seems like its only yesterday since he left the boat,  and skipper still misses him from the Galley.
We got things organised on the boat once we were tied up, Niall washed her down completly and filled the water tanks,
meanwhile , skipper went to the marina office and sorted out the paperwork and collected 2 new hinges for the fwd toilet hatch.
Later , we walked up town, which resembled a wild west one street town, except very modern and well kept. The boardwalks along the sea front and the shore was beautifully made and maintained, and used by hundreds of joggers and cicylists. The sky was covered with screeching white Parrots, real noisy things, they were everywhere.
We eventually wound up in " Shipreck " seafood restaurant,   It had coral reef trout on the menue, so we had to test this fish, as we have spent so often trying to catch the beggers and failed miserably so far.
Skipper tried to call " Fats " on the mobile , but also failed miserably at this too.
The food was excellent , later we went to an Irish Pub for a night cap which we did not need, and eventually walked back to the boat.  We admired the stars again, and even with our full bellies, they still looked marvellous,
We had another early night,    zzzzzzz
Thats all,
Signed :-   Stephen Hyde,   ( Skipper )  

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