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Crazy Horse - Here in the land of Oz

Well, we all returned to Crazy Horse last night after a long two days of driving from Sydney. What a wonderful time we had discovering this wonderful extreme island. The people have been ever so kind to us. They wonder why we are here so far from home. When we tell them we are going round the world their eyes light up and probably know why we named our boat so appropriately.

Our wonderful Aussie friends Jack and Marlene invited us into their home in Nambour on our return trip to the boat. They toured us around Nambour, the countryside and their port of Mooloolooba. They have a lovely home in amongst some valleys and hills. We even had a pizza and game night for a little competition. Jack soundly beat us all!

There are wonderful birds here on this tropical part of Australia. Wish I knew all the names but they are different from ours at home. Jack showed us a kookaburra who has made a home on his property. There are parakeets and long beaked strange looking prehistoric creatures. We saw many roos along the road dead as we have deer suffering the same fate in America. There were signs along the way to watch out for the koalas. Think I saw some fluffy looking remains of them along the way too. Sad!

Well, this is a battle for the humans and the animals to survive on this island. I know there are crocs around where we are right now and I won't be so sympathetic on their demise.

We came in so late last night that we missed catching up with our ARC friends. Today we will go and make the rounds to see those of us who are left at this port. There aren't too many left here getting their repairs complete. We must get into the water and make our provisions and leave by Sat. In that time I hope to see some of the sites of Mackay.

Thanks to all of you who visited with me from home. I had a wonderful time and parting is always so hard for me. I am really a homebody at heart. But you all looked so good to me and seemed so very interested in our adventure. There wasn't enough time to visit with you all so we will make a point to see more people when we return in Dec. Of course there will be a new member of our family to welcome so that will be wonderful. Perhaps a new crew member for Crazy Horse?!!!

Lisa is getting so big with baby that I wonder where he will fit for the next two months?! Jayden is getting so smart with her reading and writing. She is really quite the lady. We even celebrated tea together. She is wonderful!!

Eric is doing a great job of keeping the company together for us all. He is such a hard worker but like me, worries too much. STOP THAT ,Eric!!! He has while doing that managed to fix up his 1890s house into something quite amazing!

Thanks to Lisa and Erik for taking such good care of the house, pool, garden, and yard! That is a lot of work while parenting and working too! Without this family we wouldn't be able to continue our trip. Thanks so much to our family and wonderful co-workers and partners for allowing us this adventure. You are all amazing!

Andrew, you did a wonderful job of keeping the blog alive. I was amazed at the level of your coverage. I felt like I was right there with you too! You did a great job of filling in- Now I have some big shoes to fill! Thanks for sailing with the boys and trying to keep them in line. You can see it is quite the job!

More is coming on our adventure in Australia!

Rosemary,Bill and Matt on Crazy Horse once again.

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