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Crazy Horse - Aug 10

We are here in our slip in Mackay Harbor getting ready for Crazy Horse to be taken out of the water for some maintenance, painting, and cleaning. Bill and I will take a room at the nearby hotel and Matt will stay aboard the boat climbing up and down the 15ft ladder and coping with the chaos. The refrig and freezer must be turned off so hopefully all the food we bought yesterday will stay frozen.

Bill has done a lot of work with the heads and kitchen pump getting them all working well. There is a constant level of attention to made to all these pumps so odors won't form. It happens very quickly on a boat. We found the most glorious shop in Mackay that has all the houseware and kitchen gadgets you could imagine. The name is Porters and it is owned and operated by a local resident. Matt, Jean and I had the most wonderful time looking at all the new pots, pans, dishwear, houseware, hardware, and kitchen gadgets you could imagine. The only way I can compare it is a woman or man who loves to shop for shoes or clothes. When you look at all the wonderful kitchen gadgets and cooking items you can just imagine cooking all these exciting recipes that are just so mouthwatering and all the people you have prepared the feast for are just so enthusiastic and appreciative. It is a bit of the plan to keep us all buying into the idea that we will be so much better off having that item in our galley or on our body or feet. Sorry, guess I went off a little there with my own meandering mind dribble.

Bill and I were just talking about how lucky we are to have such support back home. Again, we want to thank those of you who encourage us and help us to achieve our dream of making this circumnavigation. Thanks to those of you who are at work and home allowing us this opportunity to catch a glimpse of another life and learn so much and hope to share with you all when we return.

The crew of Crazy Horse now on the hard at Mackay Marina.

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