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Voyageur - Log day 137 - All or nothing

11 August 2010

We don't wish to putter along at three or four knots neither do we wish to have a roller coaster ride. Why is it so often that we have only one or the other. It is the in between that I desire. I am both cowardly and brave in equal measures. I think it is prudent to have that combination of both. Cowardliness makes you extra cautious and alert to danger, the bravery is for the moments when you are out there, have no choice and surprise yourself. And do you know what? It is never usually as bad as you had anticipated. The north Queensland coast of Australia is a most desolate, isolated stretch of water and it is the very last place that one would wish for things to go wrong but when we embark on these "adventures" then we have to be prepared for that. Having said that I think it is one of the most beautiful and exciting places on earth and I have long looked forward to returning here. Enough of that! We are sitting here at anchor in Watson's Bay, Lizard Island. The wind is blowing an absolute "hoolie", we have just had a delicious roast lamb dinner and I am just ever so glad that in half an hour I will retire to my nice cosy bunk.....

Susan Mackay

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