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A Lady - Sailed out !

TUESDAY   30th  NOVEMBER   2010
01.00hrs We are still bobbing along heading west along the south coast of South Africa. It is a beautifull starrey night, and the wind , such as it is, has gone into the west, so its on the nose but, but, it is only 4 knots and the sea state is reasonable, so all in all we are doing well,
02.00hrs Neil is already in the bunk , so Aileen said goodnight and crashed out too. Skipper kept watch, even with boat alarms, etc it is important to keep watch as the traffic around here is big.and plenty of it.
05.00hrs The Barometer was 1012 and falling,
09.00hrs  Distance travelled in 24 hours....................................190 n miles
               Distance to destination...............................................95 n miles
               Sea state..................................................................very flat
               Wind      .................................................................. WNW  12knots
               Weather       .............................................................Beautifull sunny day, but very chilly.
As we sailed along the coast, we went from having dolphins as company to hundreds of seals who just seemed to be balming off on the surface , almost sunbathing,
13.00hrs The conditions were still beautifull, we had a light lunch of freshly baked rolls with cheese. We are now heading NNW , up the west coast of S.A. and are in the south atlantic, where the water is much cooler and the wave pattern is much more user friendly.
We enjoyed the trip so far and really had an easy leg this time, well just this bit and now we are sailing past Cape Point
better known as " The Cape of Good Hope "
17.30hrs  Distance travelled    .............................254 n miles
               Dist. to destination.................................30 n miles
Skipper put a roast chicken in the oven, plus some roast potatoes. The scenery is breath taking, ohhh this is a lovely sail. and another milestone, just another few miles and we will be in Cape Town.
20.00hrs It is still bright, like home, there is a longer dusk, as we are now just 5 miles from our destination.  All the lights on the shore are beginning to twinkle as it gets darker. The mountains , including " Table mountain " look fantastic behind all the lights, siloutted against the sky..
We slowed the boat down to a crawl and went below and had our Roast Chicken, raost spuds, carrotts, baked beans, and creamed potatoes, But, Aileen skipped the potatoes, she is watching her figure now as there is a wedding comming up next month.
We nibbled our way into the V&A dock basins,  We called the swing bridge crowd and they opened the little foot bridges
for us as we passed underneath,  In through all the buildings on eather side , full of activity, especially the hotels. All this area has been redeveloped in the last 10 years, so is very yuppy. Water side developments usually include many restaurants, walkways along the edge of the water, hotels, band stands, botiques, etc. and its good the have made this milestone in one piece.
Aileen had to get off the boat the minute we were tied up, so skipper and herself went for a short walk , as its too dangerous to go too far away from the dock , which has 24 hrs security, We had a night cap in the hotel, a brand new joint, and much more expensive than " Prince Albert" Village  . The gin& tonic was 3 times the price.  Thats the price of progress.
Midnight, We hit the scratchers, Neil already had a shower on board and went to his scratcher early.
Well, thats it for now,
Signed :-  Stephen  Hyde   ( Skipper ) 

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