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A Lady - Sailing around the World ( Presently in Salvador, Brazil )

06.00hrs   Skipper was wide awake and decided to do catch up on the blogs, and all the other emails, never ending stuff. No sign of any of the other boats yet,
We turned on the generator again, and will leave it on for the day, the problem with the services on the marina is the electricity is 220v and thats ok, but its 60Hz, and our systems run on 50Hz, particularly the air conditioning, the washing machine, and microwave,
We repositioned the boat, so she is now stern onto the marina, and also dressed her overall, ie :-  hoisted all our bunting up the mast. Sham and Emily took off in one of the nearby ferries to one of the local Islands in the Bay, while Aileen went off to sort out her phone, Meanwhile, skipper completed some housework on the boat, like tidy away the wharps, spinniker sheets, dump the garbage, steep some of the spare ropes in " Comfort" softner,   This really does a great job of softning down the sheets and ropes that have been exposed to the salt water and sunshine for too long.
When finished with the chores, skipper met Suzana (Rally Control) and two newspaper reporters, who then interviewed Skipper for the local / national newspaper, plus taking millions of photo's , Suzana did the translating, as skipper has no Brazalian /Portugese and the  reporters had no english. or worse still, they had no Irish....
All this took about an hour, and it was facinating to see that they were very interested in our opinions of weather changes and if we could see the effects of " Global Warming" on the seas as we travelled around the globe...
Today, the local Salvadorian people celebrate the " Sea Goddess"  so there are lots of celebrations, music, guns firing, and many other attractive activities. Including offerings to her.  
By midday, the heat  was almost unbearable, it must be in the high 30's and any escape into a building or shaded area was a priority at all times.
Later, Aileen and skipper did a walk around the lower part of the city, calling to  the the phone place and other institutions, On the return jurney, we met Sham and Emily by pure chance in a cafe, so had to have a beer to cool down,
The four of us travelled by taxi up to the higher level later for dinner, the place we really wanted was closed , so we selected a nice corner joint for our food, again this was excellent, we all had steaks, and lubricated with the appropriate wines, Of course the return journey had to take in a stroll around the streets , listening to all the various bands playing their merry tunes. One band stood out, about 30 of them, all dressed in white and wearing white turbines on their heads,  The group were called "Ghandi " something or other, I presume band,
Eventually, we found our way back to the marina, where we met Dieter and his crew from " Lady Eve V1" who had just arrived, 2 days after ourselves, and they departed St, Helena around the same time as " A Lady "  so we were happy with this,
We hit the scratchers, having had an interesting and varied day,
Thats it.
Signed :-  Stephen  Hyde  ( Skipper )


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