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Crazy Horse - Feb. 4

Our position on 2-04-11 UTC 1225
13 37.S 33 07.W

After complaining about no wind yesterday , after I wrote the blog, low and behold the wind was up to 14kts. Quickly we launched Joshua and started to move at 6-7kts without the engine. Our cheers could be heard in Salvador. It was a pleasant sail until right before dark when the wind died and the clouds engulfed us. We took down Joshua and motored with the jib for a while. Then the skies opened up a few times during the night. Even the rain was a cooling treat however. We are still motoring however today due to the erratic wind. That pattern of ESE to ENE just makes it difficult to have a good sail. So now as I write the blog the wind seems to be steadying from the SSE. We will try again today to launch the Joshua sail. Even if we can get 50 miles it will make us feel a little better about having enough fuel to get to Salvador. We are all playing the game of trying to figure out the percentages of making it there with enough fuel.

Must go now and rally the troops to get those sails up and flying. Opps, they are both Negative Nancys saying not enough wind.

Yesterday I spoke on the SSB to Jutta and Jean from Chessie and Jeannius. They are also working the fuel gal./liters, and the RPMs for an efficient use of fuel. We are all looking forward to a Sunday arrival. Hopefully the wind cooperates with us all. The entire fleet seems to be having the same challenges.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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