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Crazy Horse - Feb. 6

It was wonderful to come into the marina and see all the familiar helping hands from rally control, and the fleet. Everyone pitches in and helps in our task of getting in to all these different marinas all over the world. We never quite know where we are going until we hear that voice over the radio or how we will tie up to the dock and where will the fenders and lines be located. Thanks to all who helped get us safely in: Rally Control, Dick, Mike, Graham, Sofia, David and the marina staff.

Then we had our welcome drinks from the local ladies and bracelets they tie on with knots that you must make wishes for, each of the three knots.

Crazy Horse has now been put to bed and we are all well and getting to bed soon with no need to wake up for our watches through the night. We are here at the dock between Kalliope and Wild Tigris. They fit us in like sardines in a can. Bill backed us in superbly in a slot that looked like twiggy couldn't fit in. So we are backed up to the dock , fenders on both sides and bow moorings on either side. It is a neat arrangement and one which allows room for many boats.

When it gets to be high tide it is a little rolly but it is protected and pretty nice at the marina. Bill got us checked into the country so no problem so far with the visas or passports. The agent took them and will give them back to us tomorrow. That always makes one a little nervous but the same in many of the countries we have been in so far. It certainly is much better when the World Arc and rally control helps with all that.

We await OJ now and they are the only ones left out there with the fluky wind. Perhaps they will be luckier than us who had to motor so much. Their latest email said they were sailing more now and will have enough fuel for the rest of the trip. The wind is supposed to pick up again tomorrow. That is good for them. The fleet that started out in Capetown on time and didn't stay in St. Helena too long seemed to do better with the wind. By the time we left St. Helena the wind was getting less and less. One never knows what the patterns will be so we just take our chances whenever we leave port.

Sometimes the weather seems more predictable than others. Anyway, we are here and happy to have made it through another leg. It is good to be joined by the rest of the fleet and celebrate with faces we have come to know and love.

Tomorrow we will check out this town and see where all the places of importance are located. Food will be at the top of the list. I hear that they have wonderful fresh fruit so that will be a priority. Perhaps we will visit the tourist board and see if there are some trips inland.

Time for me to get to bed. It has been a long journey and we are blessed to be here safely. Hope all the folks back home enjoyed Superbowl Sunday and that their team won! We didn't get to see it here but enjoyed catching up with all the news from the fleet.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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