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Crazy Horse - Feb 8

Yes, I know it is early but these time changes are difficult to adjust to. This used to be 1030. So Bill and I are up doing email and he is downloading something from the computer. We will try to Skype people from here but so far it has been difficult. There are so many people getting online that it is difficult to maintain a Skype call much less see who you are talking too. No one understands that in the US because you have all the online services, Facebook and all that but it is a luxury here really. Not many places we have been except with the big cities can you stay in touch all the time. Out at sea it very expensive. So you folks at home better appreciate all the internet that you get. Sometimes it goes down on these islands for days at a time.It can be very frustrating. So Bill and I don't even try in some places. Watching all the people glued to their computers is funny.

We hope to get off the dock today. We are still waiting for our passports and visa. Today we hope to get to the ATM for some local money. We have heard that it is safe here but you don't do anything stupid like going out late at night or go into places with not many people (tourists). So in that way it is like many US cities.

Stephen and Aileen from A Lady say the food is the best so far here. It can be expensive but one must go to lunch and get the specials if you want a bargain. Others have told us that cabs are expensive here. Getting to the shopping center is expensive. So getting reprovisioned is going to be a challenge.

We had a wonderful time at the party last night at the Terminal NĂ¡utico marina center. They had free caipirinhas, beer, and soft drinks. Those caipirinhas are really quite good! They are made with a local schnapps, fresh limes, sugar, and ice cubes. They go down very smooth and are a popular drink here. The food was very good with wonderful little appetizers of shrimp, risotto type dish with shrimp, coconut fried shrimp, a salsa type salad, little pita bread sandwiches. A good time was had by all and the local children performed their traditional dance for us too. The marina had wonderful trophies for all the winners of this leg. Everyone was really happy and relaxed. Crossing the Atlantic was a relief and quite a milestone for this trip.

Paul and Suzana did a wonderful job of making the presentations since everything had to be translated back and forth from English to Portuguese. It was very well done and I think all the fleet appreciated the entire affair. Thanks to all who made it possible. All the people from the marina were very welcoming to cruisers from around the world. There are not that many people in Brazil, so they said, who sail so they are encouraging people to learn boating and sailing. They have classes for the kids here. Those were the children who performed the local dance for us.

So now we must be off to get provisions and get off this dock.

Rosemary, Bill, and Matt

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