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Crazy Horse - Feb 10

Still in Salvador at the Terminal NĂ¡utico.

We are still here in Salvador and plan on being here and going on some of the many tours available to us. Last night we went out for a dinner and show of the typical Brazilian dances.The dancing was really fantastic. The food was mediocre. The dancers were very acrobatic and really strong and athletic in their moves. They just kept going on and on. I was exhausted watching them. That was worth the price of the tickets.

Tomorrow we go on the city tour with many of the cruisers from the fleet. We are looking forward to learning more about the history of Salvador.

We had a little party for Ocean Jasper to celebrate their arrival. I think they were glad to arrive and we were all happy to see them safely across the Atlantic. They had a long trip like many of us with not much wind. They seemed to cope with it well and had game night and party night to keep up their spirits. It is hard being out their in the middle of the Atlantic feeling like a top and just bobbing around with no wind. But they made it and did well with not much wind and not a lot of fuel.

This week many of us will venture out into the Bay here which is the largest tropical bay in the world. We will anchor out and see some of the little islands and get away from the heat of the city and get some swimming and snorkeling in, we hope. Then we will come back to Terminal NĂ¡utico for a few more days to see some more of the countryside and then we are off to Recife.

Matt and the younger crowd went off shopping today and to find a good beach for some swimming. They seemed to be successful in their quest as they seemed happy and tired on their return. We all seem to be finding enough to keep us busy for a while in this tropical place.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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