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Crazy Horse - Feb 27

We are at this moment leaving Sao Paulo. There is no wind and we will have to motor until we can find some. We will be joined by OJ and Chessie who are leaving today as well. Jeannius has decided to stay either until Mon. or Tues. We all agree that this has been one of our favorite places we have visited. It was just so different with no cars on the island. The way they transport the luggage the visitors bring to their pousadas is by wheelbarrow which are the island's only "taxis". It is interesting to watch the men wheel these barrows up and down the hills and paths.The only way to arrive or depart the island is by ferry or small airplane. There are only a few sailboats that seem to stop here. There is a yacht club and few moorings. They have good holding ground and plenty of space near the fishing village where we anchored.

There is a walking sandy path that goes around the island that has pousadas, restaurants, homes, beach bars, and small shops. Parts of the island is undeveloped and very peaceful. This is a mellow place as one of the girls who worked in the shops told us. She is originally from Salvador. There are no big supermarkets but places to get essentials and fruit and veggies. They even have a fuel barge one day a week.

One day we just relaxed at one of the beach bars, sat on the beach, and watched the many gorgeous tanned bodies pass by. We laid out on the lounge beds and chairs and just slept or read. Matt even purchased on of those Brazilian bathing suits that one would never dare wearing in the States. I even got a one piece a little more daring than usual. We couldn't get Capt Bill to get near the suits, however.

Even though most people speak Portuguese and some Spanish we were able to communicate and express our needs. The people were very friendly and curious about our visit to their island. Everyone treated us most kindly. I would recommend this place for a holiday spot or stopover going up the coast. Let me warn you... You won't want to leave. None of us really wants to.

Yesterday we purchased some shirts to remember this place. I took loads of photos so they will definitely be part of our photos to share with friends.

We have about 400 miles to go to get to Recife. We will try to stay about 25 miles offshore to stay out of the way of the fishermen.

Rosemary, Bill and Matt

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