Our position UTC 1435 10 32.N 58 10.W
Today the winds came crashing to a halt. We are still attempting to sail with Joshua the larger A sail. There is only 9-11kts of wind from ESE to SE. Our speed over ground is 4-5 kts. We hope the wind will pick up so we don't have to turn on the engine. It is a bit of a point to try to end this last leg with the fewest engine hours we can manage. We also want to give the engine a break since you will remember we have a hose issue which keeps blowing apart in the engine cooling system. So if we can sail we will do it.Our previous lowest speed to sail was under 4 and we are getting pretty close. So we will give the wind a little more time to fill in.
On Thursday and Friday we made 199 miles and 208 miles. There were no engine hours and we were feeling pretty good about that.We have about 200 more miles to go before Grenada. So we just have to be patient. That is difficult for some of us. But sailing is a little like a marriage. You take the good with the bad and that is the way it is. Some days there are good winds and other days nothing.Some days in a marriage are fantastic. Other days are more challenging. To be specific - do I really want to be here?! And that is the way sailing is. One of my friends Jean was tired of the weather and the conditions. The title of her email was"beam me up Scotty". Many of us could agree with her at times.
Then last night it was beautiful with the moon as bright as the sun , shimmering sea, and wonderful breeze. It made a wonderful night for being on the ocean. We couldn't imagine it getting any better than that! The ocean is very seductive. Just when you think it is the most wonderful place in the world to be, she will create some monster storm and you never want to go back. But we all have short memories and those moonlit nights and soft breezes call us back to the sea once again.
So today we see one more of the faces of the Atlantic as we wait for the wind. It is a beautiful sunny day and the sea is pretty calm. As I sit down writing this blog I hardly know we are moving. But in a short minute that could all change. So I guess we just enjoy the moment.
rosemary, bill and matt