25 March 2011
Basia and her protective convoy have come home, nine days and over 1000nm since her collision with a ship. We all agreed between us that we would launch our tenders, go out into the bay and welcome home our intrepid little fleet of four, Eowyn, Tucanon, and Jeannius leading in the disabled yacht. The word was that they would arrive around 9am so we set our alarms for 7am, unwillingly may I add. Of course the wind and currents and weather were at odds and their ETA was delayed a few hours. At last by mid morning we started to pick up their VHF radio calls and with Jenny and John we joined in with many of the other boats to go out to meet and greet. What a noisy lot we were with our hooters and horns and whistles. It was a real party atmosphere. From a distance we could see them. Basia was conspicuous. Without her mast she seemed but a blob on the ocean. Emotions were running high and even from a distance I could see that Basia was in tears. At this late stage in the rally it has brought everyone that much closer. Everyone is thinking "there but the grace of God'. It could have happened to any one of us. Basia may not live to sail again but at least her crew will. They had a very lucky escape, they are lucky to be alive, and they were especially lucky to have the combined assistance of the other World ARC yachts.....
Susan Mackay