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Samsara - Preparations Continue - still much to do!

We did a complete bottom job, boat is back in the water. Some of the new rigging has arrived so we have to prepare that before the mast is stepped next Monday. New radar, instruments, SSB are here and ready to install. 
We have just moved onto the boat and are busy unpacking and organizing. The "to do" list is very long and we intend to pull out in two weeks to head for Ft. Lauderdale before heading south to St. Lucia.

I joked with Lee when we bought the boat that we would be pulling out making a beeline for the starting line - it's not quite that bad (yet!) but we aren't going to have as much time to adapt to the cruising life as we'd hoped.....
Samantha and Sarah love that we're living on the boat now. We're also getting back into the school groove (they had a bit of a break while I was helping Lee do the bottom).
Time to order more of the things we need - we're practically on a first name basis with the UPS delivery driver!

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