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Matilda - Parasailor

We finally launched the parasailor (big spinnaker) today as an experiment. It went well, but next time we will use the pole. Today's sail from Morro Jable was the best we've had so far as we actually got to sail almost all the way. We've been using the engine a bit because the winds have been either very light or on the nose.

Last night we went out in Morro Jable and had a great night. We have uploaded a new gallery where you can see the photos from last night, the dolphins we encountered the day before and some shots of Gran Tarajal, where we are now.

We are planning to marina-hop our way up the East coast of Fuertaventure till we reach the Rubicon marina in Lanzarote. We still have a long list of things to install/re-install and overhaul, which we should be able to knock over in the week or so we will be in Lanzarote.


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