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Anastasia - I like the moon

13:48.8N 65:23.4W  264 miles covered
I like the moon
Because it is close to us
I like the moon
But not as much as a spoon
No we haven't totally cracked up on day 2 of the journey.  That quote is from one of the YouTube animations the kids used to like when they were younger.  It comes back to us when the moon makes its brilliant appearance each night.  We took this photo while we were having dinner, sitting on the "patio" in a gentle breeze (26 degrees) looking back to the east. [World Cruising note: photo can be seen under Boat Gallery pages]
Not much to report today.  No fish on the line.  We did a 200 mile day yesterday but now it is a gentle 16 knot breeze pushing us along, so Anastasia, laden down as she is, is plodding along at about 7.5 knots.  There is another ARC boat called Serendipity that has been a couple of miles behind us all day. 
Still, by all accounts, the winds and waves along the Columbian coast should give us a bit more excitement in a couple of days time.

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