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Ensemble - Day 2: 11 Jan 2012 - Double Handed Routine...

Greetings from yacht Ensemble

We are now at N 15d 39.6' W 69d 20.8' (12 ECT). Our course is 244T. Winds are 20 knots from the ENE and swell has picked up to 2m. Temperature is 31C, blue skies and a barometer of 1007 hpa. Cruisy downwind sailing with the Parasailor!

We are now settling down into the 'double handed' routine. We are using a simple rotating 6 hour watch - which seems to be working well enough. We have plenty of 'together' time around the meals - and are not getting too tired.

Yesterday's sunset was beautiful and we shared a glass of rose' and Mahi Mahi tatare before I BBQ'ed up a couple of beef tenderloin steaks (yum!).

This morning we had a lost starling take a break on board for a couple of hours - but otherwise no wildlife.

Today's breakage is the generator. It came up with a 'Raw Water' alarm. I suspect the impeller (again - twice in 3 months). We only really need the generator for making water - and we still have 600 litres in the tank (not counting another 100 litres in bottles) - so should be able to make San Blas without any shortages. If the sea state drops I might try and replace the impeller myself - but don't want to risk getting knocked around or flooded in the engine room with the current 2m swells.

Magali has arranged a 'shopping break' with Rod and Dalma in New York for the first week in February. She'll use this to pick up some books and DVD's and other essentials (shoes, new bikini's, etc). Hopefully I can come too - but looks like I'll be stuck on Ensemble getting repairs organised for the Pacific crossing. Still - I'm not sure New York in early February weather wise will do much other than make us appreciate how lovely the Caribbean is this time of year!


Dave & Magali

10Jan2012 008

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