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Ensemble - Day 4: 13 January - Sushi Celebration

Greetings from yacht Ensemble.

At 8am ECT we are at N 12d 31.87', W 074d 09.15', with just over 300nm to go. Winds are up to 30 knots, with a 'messy' 1-2m swell. Barometer rising at 1006 hpa, clear and sunny skies, with temperature of 27C.

We now have Ensemble in a 'stable' condition. We are able to charge the batteries using the starboard engine (although we can't engage it because the sheet is still wrapped around the propeller and the sea state is still to rough to risk going overboard to untangle it). We are making reasonable speed with the jib reefed in - and should be in the Blas Islands in just over 48 hours.

All of this was cause to celebrate - so we popped the bubbly and had a delicious meal of sushi / sashimi. Putting the feast together was no small task in force 6 - with waves splashing around where she was preparing the tuna. Magali fortunately weathered the storm and had the perfect meal
ready for sunset drinks!

We have seen lots of flying fish this trip - and had our first 'mini' flying fish land on deck today.

We are looking forward to a swim and relax in the sun in San Blas soon!



13Jan2012 006

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