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Anastasia - Nearly at the San Blas Islands

10:07.9N 77:49.9W 1051 miles covered, 54 miles to go
Today was a "fun filled" day because, having trashed the Parasailor yesterday, I was experimenting with different sails to try and get a reasonable speed.  To no avail.  All I managed to do was give Bertie a rope burn on the hand when the asymmetric spinnaker opened out too quickly.  It was largely my fault, I am afraid, because I did not insist that everyone on the foredeck wore gloves and I told Bertie that the asymmetric spinnaker would not pull up as hard as the Parasailor.  Fortunately it was not too bad a burn and he will be OK in a couple of days.
Andrea says if it happens again I will be looking for a new crew.
Now we are reduced to tacking down to the finish line using mainsail and genoa (at about 7 knots) so we will not be crossing it until the early hours of the morning.  Anchoring in the islands by moonlight is going to be interesting.

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