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BRIZO - Daily Log Saturday 14 January 2012

Things seem to be looking up onboard: the cases of seasickness are diminishing and the crew is beginning to have fun! Although no fish were caught yesterday, the prospect of catching fish and then cleaning the fish was the topic of much conversation. Audrey, who does not eat seafood, said that the only type of fish that she likes even a little is mahi-mahi so we are hoping to catch one of those. The concept of immediately consuming sashimi from our prospective catch does not sit well with most crewmembers so we have agreed to let the fish season overnight before consuming.

Some schoolwork has been completed but serious work will likely have to wait for a full recovery of the teacher. We had a substitute teacher yesterday but, as is the case with substitute teachers on land, this one was taken very seriously by the students.

Now that we are west of the main ports in Venezuela the shipping traffic has diminished considerably. We had another close-crossing situation last night with a cargo ship which was on the reciprocal course to ours.

We expect to reach our turning-point waypoint tonight, after which we we will change course for Porvenir in the San Blas Islands. We hope to arrive in time for a put-luck luncheon on the beach wednesday so we are working to maintain our speed as best we can. Last night was a very fast passage but the prediction is for the winds to be lighter once we turn SW after passing the Columbia border. Other than some motor-sailing on the first day we have had a very good sail but we anticipate more motoring towards the end of the passage.

Crew of BRIZO

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