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Sapphire II - Day 6, 14 Jan, San Blas Arrival

The run to the San Blas was uneventful and we arrived at 11:40. Motored in to the anchorage in East Hollandes Cays. After a few celebratory drinks we tendered over to one of the many palm covered mini- islands. The setting of these islands is quite spectacular with the waves breaking over the long protective reef, behind the shelter of which the islands sit in calm water. The whole setting is idyllic and lives up to its promise.

We were greeted on the little island by a Kuna Indian in a dugout canoe who had filled it with coconuts. After giving us a gift of a big bag of bananas he explained the ecology of the islands to Alex. Then we swam and lazed about in the crystal clear waters until it was time to go to Gunvor for drinks. Crews from 4 boats ended up there and a good time was had by all. It was a fitting end to a wonderful day in the islands.


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