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Matilda - First night at anchor

We crossed the finish line at 15.05 St Lucia time (14.05 local time) on Sunday 15 January with no engine hours. Hurrahh!! All of the rally legs are timed in the Departure port's local time, so we have been working to St. Lucia time all the way across.

We're feeling great after a brilliant night's sleep at anchor; even had an aperitif with another yacht from the fleet, Ruby yesterday evening to celebrate our arrival. Washing and repairs today along with a little exploring if there's time.

We dropped our anchor at about 1700 yesterday (for the first time ever) and it seems to have held overnight well enough. Heather is just getting some water on the boil for our poached eggs and smoked salmon on toast for breakfast - this is the life! We will try and take a photo of the achnorage once breakfast is ready and load it up to our Sailblogs gallery when we get to WIFI. It really is like a Robinson Crusoe paradise island here.

The yellowbrick stays on for the whole circumnavigation, so you should be able to see our potterings around the San Blas Islands over the next few days. We have a fleet get-together on Wednesday, then we will clear customs and Immigration for Panama in Porvenir Island about 20 January or so. Shelter Bay marina at the entrance to the Panama Canal is about a day's sail from here, and we need to be there by 26 January (Australia Day!!) for our transit on 29 January. We are scheduled to raft up in threes; the other HR42, Trompeta, will be the other side of Sapphire II for our transit.

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