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Sapphire II - Day 7, Sunday 15 Jan, Forget All......

.....your cares and concerns. These San Blas islands have a magical quality. They evoke a feeling of happiness at the simple, unspoit beauty of the setting. We spent a leisurely day, visited a couple of the islands in the RIB.

On the second one there was an extended Kuna family; patriarch and matriarch, a number of men and women in their 20s hanging loose in hammocks and perhaps flirting and then a big gaggle of kids from babies on up.. There were a number of thatched huts, in the center of one an open fire was heating a pan of food. The Indians were extremely welcoming. They smiled and laughed happily and some played games with Charlie, who charmed them. We took lots of photos and were never asked for money. Alex was able to translate and so we got a good understanding of their lifestyle. Carefree it is by all appearances.

In the afternoon we upped anchor and motorsailed the 16 miles to Porvenir to check in formally tomorrow. It's a tricky little entrance through the reefs to the anchorage, made a little more daunting by the sight of a yacht on her beam end up on the reef!

After our first sit-down dinner around the saloon table in quite a while, two bottles of a good Red, and Tina Turner on the TV it was early lights out for Sapphire's contented crew!

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