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Ensemble - Day 9 - Chichime - Panama: Sundowners with World ARC

Greetings from Ensemble.

We had a slow start to the day after the previous night's festivities...

We sailed from East Hollandes to Porvenir to complete our customs are immigration formalities. As you sail into the anchorage there is a forlorn yacht grounded on the reef - a timely reminder to watch for hidden reefs!

We met Paul from the World ARC and he walked us through customs and immigration - very friendly staff but still using type writers - so it took a while.

We then did the short 4nm into the wind to get to Chichime where tomorrow we have the World ARC rendezvous. It is a lovely island with white sand beaches and palm trees. We met up with the a number of the World ARC group for "sundowners" on the beach and watched the sunset.

We then joined Karsten and Gitta on Gunvor for a delicious meal of chilli con carne, polished off with St Michel St Emillion (I probably had one bottle too least according to Magali!)

Safely back on Ensemble and tucked into bed.

Dave & Magali

18Jan2012 016

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