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Wind Dancer - LOG 5: Gatun Lock and Fort San Lorenzo

We had a great day visiting some of the impressive sites in close proximity to the marina.  The World ARC team set up a tour bus to take any interested parties to visit the first lock the Rally Boats will be transiting.  We arrived at the Gatun Lock (first of three) as a large Korean registered ship, Ever Young, was making its way through the lock. 

The massive ship had only two feet (60 in) of clearance on either side before it would touch the lock walls.  A system of four carts or mules as they are called drive a track on either wall and pull and tension the boat by wire lines.  Once the boat is in the right position, water is filled in the lock to be able to pass through to the next level.  The lock is open to tourists and almost feels like you are at some sort of sporting event.  There is an announcer who provides a play by play and facts about the Canal and its history.  This was a helpful experience to see, allowing us now to have a better idea of what the transiting process entails.

After the lock, we moved over to the San Lorenzo National Park.  Driving once again through the lush jungle, we kept our eyes peeled for the many rumored types of wildlife.  Just when we were about to give up, Spider Monkeys were spotted high in a tree hanging over the road.  The Castillo de San Lorenzo was a far distance and basically at the end of the road where the ocean meets the Chagres River mouth.   It is a registered UNESCO World Heritage Site added in 1980.  The fort was built in the late 1500’s as a way to protect the wealth and gold being transported by the Spanish.  The fort was taken by Henry Morgan in late 1670.  Soon after he left to return back to Jamaica, but burnt the fort upon leaving.  The Spaniards returned to San Lorenzo later to rebuild the Castillo. 

Panama has proved to be a beautiful and interesting destination and we are happy to have had a chance to visit.  We plan to make a stop to the Colon Free Zone, the largest duty free zone in the Western Hemisphere before going through the Canal Thursday evening.  Hopefully we will be able to find some Panama hats by then!     

The Wind Dancer Crew

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