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Sapphire II - Days 13 & 14, 22/23 Jan, Another Blur

The 6 am flight to Panama City left me wondering, when it failed to make its appearance in Corazon. Hmmm. Was that because it was Sunday? No, not really. It arrived at 8:30 am and we left for the 30 minute flight over the mountains to the big city.

And what a city! Skyscrapers and Freeways to rival Miami and great Pacific views. All arrangements went without a hitch: hotel/ plane arrivals/ taxis and Sapphire shopping. Even got to watch the NY Giants beat San Fran 49 er's in a nail- biter. Not quite the same though with commentary in Spanish. Now I'll have to work out how to watch the Superbowl on Feb 5 th! May have to stay in Panama City after the rest of the boats leave for Las Perlas islands.

On Monday the same experience with AirPanama. The 6am flight to Corazon left at 840am. But the best thing was that they took our bags, which were 110 lbs over our allowance! Lots of boat spares and such. Great to have them safely delivered.

Back to Sapphire where distributing the goodies was like Christmas. Stowed most of it and then a 20 mile run to Chichime under Parasailor. Trouble free hoist and douse. Thanks Jerry!

In the afternoon we spent a delightful couple of hours swimming ,reading, walking on the sugar-white sand of this true paradise. Later on we met the crew of Beatoo who are joining the World Arc from here on. A beer on the beach with them, then back to the boat to clean up. And after 3 mornings of 0430 get-ups, I was fast asleep before 10 pm.

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