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Samsara - Thru the Canal - but only 1 Croc!

Jan 28

We are in the Pacific now - finished our transit of the Canal yesterday around 3pm. We were all very tired as the first part of the transit on Jan 26 was delayed several hours and we didn't drop anchor and bid our advisor goodnight and go to sleep until 2am. The next morning our second advisor was delivered at 7am or so - and we started motoring through Gatun Lake to the Pacific side to lock down. The lake was really churned up due to the dredging for the new larger locks (they are working 24/7 to finish the larger locks) and so the crocodiles have moved away at least temporarily to clearer water. So we only saw one croc swimming along the banks of the lake.

So we dropped anchor at about 5pm last night at La Playita and this morning we set off for a tour of one of the local Indian tribe villages. Now we are tired and ready for an early night.

We will stay here for a few days to fix a few items, buy provisions...before heading off to Las Perlas islands for a week or so of cruising.

We're ready to explore new ocean now.

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