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Glamorous Galah - The Indian tattoos

We have made it to the Pacific Ocean!

Transiting the Panama Canal was an amazing experience. For me it was quite poignant, my late father, Sydney, was born the year the canal was finished, 1914. An officer in the Royal Navy, he transitted it in 1944 aboard the aircraft carrier which I believe was HMS Arbiter.

For Dave, Bernie and I it is the beginning of our journey home as we will be leaving the World ARC in Australia. For many other crews it is difficult, as they say goodbye to the Atlantic for almost 12 months.

We have anchored a short taxi ride from Panama city which we plan to explore tomorrow.

Today we joined fellow ralliers on a tour of a traditional Indian village on the Chagres river. It was a fun day and the picture (photo) shows Bernie, Karson from Winddancer and myself with our newly acquired tattoos! That's Dave from Southern Cross's finger in the top left!


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