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Anastasia - Islas Bayoneta

With an overcast sky, cloudy water and the 5 meter low tide exposing large areas of sand, the anchorages around the southern parts of Las Perlas islands have more of the feel of a UK estuary than a tropical island, aside from the temperature being 26 degrees.  


At Isla Bayoneta we took the dinghy along to the southern beach, where there were lots of shells but no large cowries as advertised.  The swell was too much to land on the exposed west side of the island where the best shells were supposed to be.  1F7

Andrea picked up an ice cream tub full of shells and then spent a happy hour back on Anastasia washing and sorting through them, occasionally shouting "another one thrown away" so we would know that she is being ruthless about which ones she keeps and really not hoarding them all.  I suggested she occasionally shouts "found one worth keeping" but she didn't like that idea.  At some point we will run out of plastic containers for all the treasures, but Anastasia might be a lot lower in the water by then.  Maybe I should have been more enthusiastic about Andrea's flip-flop collection phase, because a cupboard full of flip-flops is a lot more buoyant than a cupboard full of shells.


I found five green coconuts on the beach, which had fallen from the palm trees.  We are going to try making cocktails with the milk.

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