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Samsara - All day at the Beaches.....

Feb 5

We spent the whole day checking our various beaches on this little island. In the process we saw: a shark (while rowing though a shallow channel between islands), parrot fish, puffer fish (in the surf right at the little breaking waves), a really long (4 feet or so) bright green fish that looked a bit like a barracuda - long thin with a long thin snout, rays and tiny hermit crabs (about 2mm) to large (6cm or so). The water is colder than the Caribbean Sea and is quite refreshing, but it's not as clear - you can't really see clearly beyond about 4 feet or so. The rock formations around the islands are quite unique, looks like pumice with big fossils in it (no idea what we're really looking at but that's what it looks like) and some areas look like someone took a melon baller and scooped out rock. Then some looks like layers of shale. We will have to check the internet when we can and see what types of rock formations we're seeing here.

Then we came back to the boat and used the breadmaker to make pizza dough and had homemade pizza for dinner. Lee just pointed out that we're missing the half-time show. I've never been a big football fan so missing the superbowl is not a problem for me. Some from the Rally were gathering in Panama to watch the game (there was a recon mission to figure out the appropriate location) and in Contadora too I think. But we're here at a group of uninhabited islands enjoying the beaches instead. (I can't say enjoying "peace and quiet" as those who know the girls know that's not possible!)

Hope those who were watching the game enjoyed it!

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